Thanksgiving Weekend Variety Show

Past event
Nov 30, 2024, 7 to 9 PM


There's a good chance you'll be ready for something relaxing yet energizing after all that cooking, eating, socializing, family wrangling, and god help us, shopping, Or, possibly, lack there-of. Come and bring the folks, let's all gather for a couple of low-stress hours on a Saturday evening of funky, family friendly, folksy, yet classily artisanal entertainment in East Montpelier's intimate Four Corners Schoolhouse 7:00-9:00 PM.


"Tom Banjo" Azarian presents his famous hand-cranked cranky show, joined by internationally renowned folk storyteller Tim Jennings, and Tim's musical trio Sanctuary Mutts.

Tom's engaging personality, high lonesome tenor, ringing old-time banjo, and colorful illustrations bring ballads and broadsides to vivid life. He has (in the words of the recent Seven Days cover story) "achieved something like folk legend status, performing his brand of eccentric homemade theater— a folk art all on its own— at nightclubs, theaters and birthday parties from Burlington to Austin, Texas."

Tim Jennings has been a leading folk storyteller for over 40 years, working in schools, libraries, theaters, coffeehouses, first nights, colleges, and festivals around New England and across the country. He has a special tale to perform, one that he heard fifty years from an older lady who got it from her grandmother; a transplanted Irish tale of three brothers, a kidnapped princess, and a little man with a red cap on his head. Hearing a traditional tale in unbroken oral tradition is rare and exciting, and that excitement got him started, way back then, on his journey.

"Sanctuary Mutts" features Tim's English concertina and singing, Grant Orenstein on guitar, and Barry Moore on Mandolin, performing songs and instrumentals in a variety of genres.

Plus! A short set of folk songs with Tom's granddaughter, Aliza Azarian.

This is the fifth, and possibly final, such Thanksgiving variety show in this pleasantly intimate one-room-schoolhouse venue. Don't miss it, if it all possible.

Saturday November 30, 7-9 PM. Four Corners Schoolhouse 945 Vincent Flats Rd. East Montpelier, VT.
(Pass East Montpelier Elementary school, bear right at the fork, it's on your immediate left.)
$10 admission, $35 family maximum. Info:

Spread the word!


Sunday Dec 1, Sanctuary Mutts play from 12:00 to 3:00 during the debut Winter Plainfield Farmers Market, in the Plainfield Opera House. Food and gifts!


Tom Banjo— 7 Days cover article (includes video)

Tim Jennings folktale video

Sanctuary Mutts living room practice video

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Four Corners Schoolhouse 945 Vincent Flats Road East Montpelier

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