In solidarity with the social activism against racial injustice in Ferguson and across the nation, the Peace & Justice Center would like to present, "The New Jim Crow Group Discussions."
Please join us on Sunday, Dec 7th and Tuesday, Dec. 9th for two hour group discussions on Michelle Alexander's book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" led by Rachel Siegel and Francine Serwili-Ngunga.
In our first session, we will discuss Alexander's claim that the War on Drugs is deliberately targeting and criminalizing communities of color. We will focus on the introductory chapter, although reading the entire book is recommended. A free copy of first chapter along with more information about the event can be found at
Attending both sessions is encouraged. New members receive a free copy of the book.
To register for the event, please visit: