Honk and Wave Action

Past event
Nov 21, 2024, 12 to 1 PM

Join staff and community members tomorrow, Thursday 11/21/24 from 12-1pm at CVMC Main Campus hospital in Berlin (park at the Kohl's lot across the road) or at Mad River Clinic (Waitsfield) to stop the cuts that are being proposed to our inpatient Psych unit and Primary Care Clinics. These are essential patient care services around the state, including mental health care, primary care clinics, and dialysis centers.

Sign up here: https://cvhunited.org/?page_id=448

This week, the UVM Health Network (UVMHN) announced its plans to shutter many essential patient care services around the state, including mental health care, primary care clinics, and dialysis centers. The decision comes on the heels of the Green Mountain Care Board's order to reign in administrative and managerial bloat, citing data that UVMHN ranks among the worst in the nation in these areas when compared with similarly sized health networks.

The Board also directed hospitals to ramp up mental health and primary care services, in order to keep people out of Emergency Departments and reverse the rapidly increasing cost of healthcare in our state. The UVM Health Network is doing exactly the opposite.

Sign and share this petition to stop the cuts to our Inpatient Psych unit and Primary Care Clinics: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stop-the-cuts-at-uvm-health-network

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Central Vermont Medical Center, Fisher Road, Berlin, VT

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