Meteorologist Roger Hill's Climate Forecast , Tuesday, Nov. 19, 6-8 pm,
Montpelier Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 130 Main Street.
Join 350VT and the Climate Action Team of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier as we present Meteorologist Roger Hill. Roger will offer the latest data and science from weather hazard climatology with a focus on Vermont. Roger assures us his goal is not to scare us but to fortify us with the best information currently available to help us prepare. There will be an opportunity for Q&A with Roger, then an overview of the work 350VT is engaging in response to this moment. We want to hear your thoughts as well.
RSVP is appreciated, but we would love to see you either way!
Refreshments and informal conversation provided following the presentation.
Event co-sponsored by Renewable Energy Vermont. Please reach out to Rebecca with any questions.
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