Here's the agenda for this week's Charlotte Planning Commission mtg.:
7:00 PM Call to Order
7:05 PM Scoping LURs amends re: Villages Project recommends: Darren Schibler, CCRPC
7:45 PM Work session: Sec. 5.4 Cond. Use draft: (continued)
8:15 PM Appoint members to LURs drafting subcommittee
8:30 PM Set PC 2025 meeting schedule
8:45 PM Update on Town Planner work in progress; recruitment
9:00 PM Adjourn
The meeting will be held in-person at Town Hall, with a remote participation option via Zoom; that link is provided on the agenda. The meeting agenda & a link to the meeting packet online can be found on the town website "Meeting Calendar & Agendas" page, under the meeting date; click on the meeting to access the agenda & those documents.
The public is invited. Contact Town Planner Larry Lewack with any questions at (802) 425-3533 ext. 206.
Dec 19, 2024, 6 PM
Alpha Film Series at SJV ChurchDec 20, 2024, 6:15 to 8:30 PM
10th Annual Orchard Food Drive PlusDec 24, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM