Don't Burn Our Future Families Edition Nov. 16!

Past event
Nov 16, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM

We knew that no matter the outcome of the election, our climate justice work would continue, and there is real heartbreak in acknowledging that the work just got even more daunting, and the need to organize for justice on so many fronts has grown exponentially. Please join Families Rise Up with 350VT as we hold space to connect and share where we're at, provide some thoughts on tangible next steps, and do some real brainstorming about what our organizing for a just future and livable planet will look like going forward. Childcare for kiddos and brunch will be provided. All are welcome to come! (Even if you don't have kids!) Please RSVP at if possible and reach out to with any questions.

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North Branch Nature Center, Elm Street, Montpelier, VT

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