A new film from Jay Craven, award-winning Vermont filmmaker. Q&A follows the screening.
"An epic tale of Vermont's fight for self-determination, led by Ethan Allen; and Lucy Prince, the first black female poet, and her quest for justice and peace."
Jay Craven's newest film, "Lost Nation," is a Revolutionary War era action drama set in the early upstart Republic of Vermont. The film stars Irish actor Kevin Ryan ("Copper," Harry Wild") as Vermont founding father and rebel schemer, Ethan Allen, who leads resistance to Yorker land claims, launches an ill-fated attack on British forces in Montreal, and leads invasions by his Green Mountain Boys into New York strongholds of Guilford and Brattleboro. At every turn, Allen navigates thick entanglements with allies, enemies, and family.
"Lost Nation's" parallel story features Kenyan actress Eva Ndachi ("Beautifully Broken") as Lucy Terry Prince, whose poem, "Bars Fight," about the 1746 Deerfield Massacre, is the first known work of African American literature. Terry settled with her family on a Guilford, Vermont homestead carved out of the forest by her husband, formerly enslaved farmer, and frontier transport operator, Abijah Prince. Prince antagonist, aspiring Guilford politician John Noyes, is played by Rob Campbell ("The Crucible," "Ethan Frome," "The Unforgiven").
Admission to this film is FREE of charge, but please help organizers to plan by reserving the appropriate number of tickets at
Mar 7, 2025, 5:30 to 7:30 PM
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