If you have thoughts or concerns about the Visual/Aesthetic aspect of the Monkton Town Forest and how art/sculpture, interpretive trails and signage should be considered, please join us this Saturday Nov 16th from 1pm - 3pm. The community discussion will be held at the Monkton Town Hall, light refreshments will be shared.
The Monkton Town Forest Committee is hosting these special topic meetings to discuss a range of activities and uses and how they should be factored into the long-term management plan for the Monkton Town Forest within the context of the Vermont Land Trust easement. We suggest attending in person, but Zoom is also possible. (It can be a challenge to coordinate hybrid in-person/remote group meetings, but we will do our best.)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8024533800?pwd=QnlTb20weWwxTEhuSmZ2RENyR3ZzUT09
Alternatives to the link: go to http://zoom.us on a web browser (or open your Zoom app) and select Join Meeting or if joining by phone call (646) 558-8656. Enter the meeting ID: 802 453 3800 and passcode 1762.
Upcoming focus group discussions, let us know if you can join:
1. Sat. Nov. 16th 1pm-3pm: Visual/Aesthetics (Art/sculpture, Interpretive trails, Signage)
2. Wed. Dec. 4th 7pm - 9pm: Hunting & Trapping Follow-up Discussion
Past discussions:
(10/13/24 Dog walking & Horseback riding ).
(10/23/24 Hunting, Fishing & Trapping)
(10/30/24 Mechanized recreation (mountain/fat biking, snowmobiling, and races/fitness events).
(11/10/24 Extraction (Timber harvests, Maple sugaring, Foraging)
If you haven't filled out the latest survey, please do! Paper copies are available from the Town Clerk or Town Forest Committee: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSIIMM1ClttjvtSjQ-xVqtp0nojSeC40povZjUIY3To-P0wQ/viewform
As we work through this process, let's listen to one another and come together as a community to create a vision for enjoying and stewarding this piece of land for current and future generations to come.
Thank you!
Questions: townforest@monktonvt.com
Mar 12, 2025, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
Fiber Arts Circle at Bixby LibraryMar 15, 2025, 12 to 2 PM
Stitch and Spin at Russell Memorial LibraryMar 16, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM