NOTE: The regular selectboard meeting will be held Wednesday Nov. 13 due to Veterans Day.
Wednesday, November 13 2024, 6:30 p.m., 236 School Road, Guilford, VT
Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)
Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)
Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)
Public Comment, Announcements (10 minutes)
Approval of Minutes ACTION: MOTION (2 minutes)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 10.28.24
Finance ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
Payroll - WE 11.03.24 $TBA
Payroll – WE 11.10.24 $TBD
Expense Warrant #2509 $TBD
Updates and Reports
Town Administrator (5 minutes)
Highway Commissioner (5 minutes)
Old Business
Finance Advisory Committee status. ACTION: motion (8 minutes)
Potential Single-meeting Action: Emergency Management ARPA purchase per Procurement Policy. ACTION: motion (8 minutes)
New Business
Upcoming Selectboard meeting dates, status. DISCUSSION (3 minutes)
Selectboard member appointment process. DISCUSSION (5 minutes)
Mandated Delinquent Tax Policy change per Act 106. DISCUSSION (8 minutes)
Other Business (2 minutes)
Correspondence (2 minutes)
Public Comment (15 minutes)
Executive Session ACTION: MOTION (8 minutes)
Executive Session to discuss labor relations agreements with employees
per 1 VSA § 313 (a)(1)(B).
Actions from 10.28.24 Meeting
Approved 10.16.24 minutes
Approved payment of Warrants
Ratified Reserve Fund expenditures
Approved work for bridges
Executive session
Approved an employee's comp time
Action Taken
Actions to be Taken
Join Zoom Meeting
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