What Now? Climate Justice Post-Election

Past event
Nov 16, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM

Are you still reeling from the election results, feeling afraid for yourself or your loved ones, and grieving the many things we stand to lose? You are not alone, and we need each other now more than ever. We knew that no matter the outcome of the election, our climate justice work would continue, and there is real heartbreak in acknowledging that the work just got even more daunting, and the need to organize for justice on so many fronts has grown exponentially. Please join Families Rise Up with 350Vt as we come together in person to resist the disorientation and isolation that will be tools of the coming regime. We are excited to hold a space to connect and share where we're at, provide a few updates on current campaigns, and do some real brainstorming about how our organizing will look going forward.

Childcare and brunch provided
November 16th, North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier VT

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North Branch Nature Center, Elm Street, Montpelier, VT

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