Zen Meditation and Practice—Saxtons River. Forest Flower Zen Sangha meets Wednesday evenings (weather permitting) in Saxtons River at the 24 Main Street Community Building. Zen meditation and practice in the Diamond Sangha Zen tradition. 6:30 Newcomers welcome and orientation. 7:00 Meditation; 7:30 Dharma talk and discussion; 7:50 A brief traditional chant and bowing; 8:00 clean up, putting cushions and chairs away. Donations accepted, not required. Beginners welcome. More info: www.forestflowerzen.org
Dec 30, 2024, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
23rd Annual New Year's Eve ConcertsDec 31, 2024, 5 to 6:15 PM
Picturebook Story Time!Jan 2, 2025, 4 to 4:45 PM