Greetings Williston Community -
This month I am working with Town Department Heads to prepare the draft fiscal year 2026 municipal services budget. The Town Manager's draft budget will be transmitted to the Williston Selectboard for review and discussion in December and January. The Selectboard will then set the final budget proposal for consideration in March at Town Meeting.
The municipal services budget is the spending plan to provide core town services to the community. These include police, fire, ambulance, public works, planning & zoning, vital records, library, parks and recreation and administration. About 15 percent of property taxes collected in Williston go toward funding these Town-based services. The remaining property taxes collected are sent to the State Education Fund. Per State law, the Town of Williston is the agent to collect all property taxes, and then send the education taxes to the State.
Are you interested in learning more about how your local services are funded and delivered by the Town? Join me at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Community Room from 5 to 6 PM next Thursday, November 14th for a presentation and to share your feedback on the funding of Town services as the budget for next fiscal year is developed. As you may recall, the Town's budget was not supported at Town Meeting last March and three bond articles were not supported this year. Additional community outreach, education about the budget and feedback are being sought to help guide the Town early in our process for Town Meeting 2025. Your feedback is welcome, and there will be snacks!
You can also connect with me via email at or at my desk at 802-876-1168.
Mar 3, 2025, 4:30 to 6 PM
CVSD Annual MeetingMar 3, 2025, 5 PM
Friends of the Horticulture Farm at Vermont Flower ShowMar 9, 2025, 10 AM to 6 PM