A reminder to Monkton residents to come share your thoughts and ask questions about timber harvests, maple sugaring and foraging at the future Monkton Town Forest. The discussion is this Sunday November 10th from 1pm-3pm at the Monkton Town Hall (light refreshments provided).
The Monkton Town Forest Committee is hosting the fourth of five planned special topic meetings to discuss a range of activities and uses and how they should be considered in the long-term management plan for the Monkton Town Forest within the context of the Vermont Land Trust easement. We suggest attending in person, but remote attendance via Zoom will also be possible. (It can be a challenge to coordinate hybrid in-person/remote group meetings, but we will do our best.)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8024533800?pwd=QnlTb20weWwxTEhuSmZ2RENyR3ZzUT09
Alternatives to the link: go to http://zoom.us on a web browser (or open your Zoom app) and select Join Meeting or if joining by phone call (646) 558-8656. Enter the meeting ID: 802 453 3800 and passcode 1762.
Upcoming focus group discussions, let us know if you can join:
1. Sun. Nov. 10th 1pm-3pm: Extraction (Timber harvests, Maple sugaring, Foraging)
2. Sat. Nov. 16th 1pm-3pm: Visual/Aesthetics (Art/sculpture, Interpretive trails, Signage)
Past discussions:
(10/13/24 Dog walking & Horseback riding ).
(10/23/24 Hunting, Fishing & Trapping)
(10/30/24 Mechanized recreation (mountain/fat biking, snowmobiling, and races/fitness events).
If you haven't filled out the latest survey, please do! Paper copies are available from the Town Clerk or Town Forest Committee: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSIIMM1ClttjvtSjQ-xVqtp0nojSeC40povZjUIY3To-P0wQ/viewform
As we work through this process, let's listen to one another and come together as a community to create a vision for enjoying and stewarding this piece of land for current and future generations to come.
Thank you!
Questions: townforest@monktonvt.com
Dec 24, 2024, 6 to 7 PM
Christmas Eve ServicesDec 24, 2024, 6 to 11 PM
Gentle Flow Yoga Pop-Up with JenniDec 29, 2024, 3 to 4 PM