Free Mental Health Presentations by NAMI Vermont & VTSU

Past event
Nov 14, 2024, 12:15 to 1:15 PM

The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont (NAMI Vermont) is offering in-person In Our Own Voice presentations at VTSU campuses across the state for students, family members, peers, and community members who want to learn more about mental health and recovery.

Date: Nov. 14
Time: 12:15-1:15 PM
Hosted by Vermont State University

In Our Own Voice is a free one-hour presentation that aims to challenge assumptions and stereotypes about mental health while spreading a message of hope. Presenters share their story of mental illness and recovery, following a format of What Happened, What Helps, and What's Next. Please visit for further details.

Any community member who wants to learn more about mental health and recovery is encouraged to attend. Attendees will leave with greater empathy for individuals with a mental health condition and a deeper understanding of what recovery means.

Do you have lived experience with a mental health condition and want to share the story of your recovery journey? Consider becoming an In Our Own Voice presenter! NAMI Vermont will be holding a presenter training session on Saturday, November 9th.

If you are in recovery and would like to share your story, please reach out to Jodi Girouard at or 802-876-7949 ext. 105.

Many presenters have found the experience of sharing to be empowering. Remember, your story matters!

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Vermont State University Williston Campus

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