November Community-Wide Food Drive

Past event
Nov 16, 2024, 9 to 11 AM

Williston Federated Church is sponsoring a Community-Wide Food Drive on Saturday, November 16, in the church parking lot from 9-11am. We will collect food for families from the Williston schools and for the Williston Food Shelf. Since the students are not having lunch or snacks at school during the November break, we would like to give each family a bag filled with some of the following items; peanut butter, sun butter, cereal, pasta, canned tuna and chicken, spaghetti sauce, canned soup, macaroni and cheese, granola bars, canned fruit, applesauce.

Excess food items will be donated to the Williston Food Shelf. We also welcome donations of gift cards from Hannaford and Shaws so that families can purchase specific food items they may need. We ask that you simply give what you can. Thank you for your generous spirit and support of this important community outreach project.

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44 N Williston Rd, Williston, VT

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