Tuesday is Election Day!
Vermont's legislative majority has passed laws in recent years that have burdened average Vermonters with excessive costs from a payroll tax, increases in DMV fees, housing costs, property taxes, licensing fees, regulations, and the looming Clean Heat Standard that will increase our heating fuel costs (with the expectation of a similar bill coming on transportation fuel costs).
We can't afford another 2 years of this. Time for change, vote for affordability, balance, and common sense.
Elect for State Representatives:
Chris Howland in Rutland 4 (northeast ward of the city plus area of Rutland Town to the north)
Eric Maguire in Rutland 5 (southeast ward of the city, votes at Christ the King)
Cindy Laskevich in Rutland 6 (southwest ward of the city, votes at American Legion)
Chris Keyser in Rutland 7 (northwest ward of the city, votes at Calvary Bible Church)
Re-Elect for State Senate:
Brian Collamore
David Weeks
Terry Williams
Elect to lead the Senate as Lieutenant Governor
John Rodgers
Your vote is important! Contests have been won or lost over a single vote in the past. If you need help getting your ballot to the polls, contact us at rutlandgop@gmail.com. More info at rutlandgop.org.
Thank you for participating in the election of the 2025 legislative team for Rutland City.
Jan 14, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Free Adult Medical Clinic - RC Health PartnersJan 15, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
SVUUSD Teacher Negotiations CommitteeJan 15, 2025, 6:30 to 7:30 PM