What is Art Yoga? Simply put, it is a unique approach to practicing the skills of awareness and embracing the spirit of the beginner's mind (yoga) with a child's sense of play and curiosity in the consideration of color, shape and texture (art.) This is not an art class and this series is not about producing art works. No yoga pants are needed, nor will you be expected to hold a position. Yoga is defined by the cessation of the fluctuations of mind. Mind is where you give your attention. Art Yoga uses art in action as a focal point. With this focus, the mind settles. Even though art is the tool for the focus, participants are not expected to produce anything.
Artist and yogini Sharon Fennimore leads the class beginning Thursdays in November. The series will run for 6 weeks from November 7th to December 19th from 6:30-7:30 PM in the SAL Room. There is no class on Thanksgiving Evening, November 28th.
To register for your space, contact judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com
Sharon Fennimore has had over 25 years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Sharon considers the power of mind and our ability to choose the thoughts we determine worthy of cultivation as our true source of power and agency. To find out more about Sharon and Art Yoga, check out her website: https://sharonfennimore.com/.
Mar 8, 2025, 12:30 to 4 PM
Restorative and Gentle Yoga in the Art StudioMar 12, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
Decoding Your Chronic Pain WorkshopMar 15, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM