Hi Neighbors-
The Newfane Planning Commission is having a special meeting and public hearing tomorrow, October 29, 2024 at 6 p.m., on proposed changes to Newfane's Zoning Bylaw. You are welcome to attend in person at the Newfane Town Office or by Zoom.
Here are the Zoom link and agenda:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 6478 8013
Passcode: 479427
1. Call To Order
2. Public Hearing on proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment
3. Adjournment
These amendments were drafted for us by the Windham Regional Commission working pursuant to a Bylaw Modernization Grant, which was awarded to the town last year. The amendments are intended to make it easier to create and access housing in Newfane. You can see them, shown in redline, on the town's website here: https://newfanevt.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proposed-Amendment-to-Newfane-Zoning-Bylaw-[...]pdf.
The proposed changes include: reduction of some setback requirements; addition of multi-family dwellings (3-4 unit) as a permitted use in village and rural districts; modified parking requirements; and increased square footage for Accessory Dwelling Units.
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