Spaghetti Dinner & Raffle Fundraiser at CES

Past event
Dec 5, 2014

Spaghetti Dinner & Raffle Fundraiser
Friday, December 5th 6:00pm

The Calais PTNO is hosting a dinner and raffle fundraiser to fix the outdoor basketball court at school. Come share a meal with neighbors and possibly win a raffle prize such as…Two day ski passes to Bolton Valley, 2015 Family Season Pass to the VT Mountaineers, One month Family Club Membership to First In Fitness, several quarts of local Maple syrup, White Rock Pizza Gift Certificate, Jasper Hill Farms Gift Box, $50 Gift Certificate to Honey Lamb Bakery, $20 Gift Certificate to Twin City Lanes, 1 Large Pizza from Maple Corner Store, Dinner or Lunch for 2 at Soup N’ Greens, Wayside Bakery Gift Certificate for a raspberry pie, Two student Sports Registration Fees for the Calais Recreation Association, Calais Cougar water bottles, Nu Leafe Beauty Salon Gift Certificate, …and many more!

Dinner is $10/adult, $5/children & seniors, Or $30/family of six. Every dinner includes 1 free raffle ticket!

More raffle tickets will be on sale during dinner.
Dinner reservation forms are available from any CES student—please return form with payment by Mon Dec 1st so we can prepare enough food!

Extra reservation forms are also available in the school lobby or you can sign up with Sue Cioffi in the CES office: 454-7777 x0 Hope to see you there!

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