School Board - Finance Committee Meeting Nov. 25

Past event
Nov 25, 2014

Good evening, neighbors -

This Tuesday evening (7:00pm) we will have our monthly Finance Committee meeting in the Ira Allen Boardroom at the school district office at 150 Colchester Avenue. We will be presented with -

- the 2016 budget that we asked the school district to provide reflecting a 0% and 2.07% budget increase. In my last posting I explained these requests in more depth. You can read my explanation here ->

- the results of the formal audit of the budget ending June 2014

- the impact of Act 166 (pre-K education) on your tax rates

- our normal monthly business report.

Please plan to attend as I am sure this will be a very interesting evening that will show the impacts we will feel in 2016. Much of the documentation for the above presentations can be found on the Burlington School District BoardDocs site at (follow the Meeting tab to Finance Committee, Agenda)

In addition, the Vermont School Boards Association has posted their presentation, "2014 Vermont Education Situational Analysis", to YouTube and you can find it here -> This is a very informative presentation that shows the impacts of statewide declining enrollments and the disparities we face across all demographics. It's a great discussion on property tax rates, trends, student achievement, and rising costs and will prove to be an eye-opener for many.

This is also a heads-up that there will be two public forums in December to address the 2016 budget and the programs impacted or not. I will make sure to post those dates as soon as I know them.

Please email me with any questions you may have and please pass this information on to others in our community who may not have access to Front Porch Forum.

Mark Porter
Ward 1 School Commissioner

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