Doors open at 5:30
Dancing 6–8
Social hour (Potluck snacks/dessert) 8–9
Saturday, October 26 (with caller Sarah van Norstrand, Naomi Morse, fiddle, Mary Cay Brass, piano, and Emmet McGowan, drums)
A fun event! No special clothing, footwear, or experience required. You're welcome to dance, listen, sit or chat and enjoy that cold beverage you brought along. The caller will teach and guide everyone through the dances.
Contra Dancing is a traditional New England folk dance style in which couples dance in two facing lines, following the instructions of a caller.
Potluck snacks/dessert after the dancing. Feel free to bring simple finger food to share. Bring a beer, a wine, water, or whatever you fancy.
Adults: $10, Children: $5, Families: $20
Weathersfield Center Meetinghouse, 2579 Weathersfield Center Road, Weathersfield, VT
Parking in the field across the road.
Save the date for the annual post-Thanksgiving dance!
Friday, November 29 (with caller Dudley Laufman, Naomi Morse and Amy Engelsberg leading an open band)
Feb 20, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Info, Meeting: Rescue and Emergency Services IssuesFeb 22, 2025, 10 AM
Education Funding 101 - for 21st Century Success!Feb 22, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM