Join the South Burlington Energy Committee November 14 for a special book discussion with the author of The Road to Nowhere: What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong About the Future of Transportation. Paris Marx will join this conversation by Zoom and interact with attendees - bring your curiosity, questions and comments! The event will be a hybrid event available in person at the library and Zoom online. Refreshments will be served in the library.
Road to Nowhere exposes flaws in Silicon Valley's vision for the future of transportation: for-fee services, automation, and "green" solutions that may not be. In response, Marx proposes a transportation system to provide mobility for all.
Marx offers a vision for a more collective way of organizing transportation systems that considers the needs of poor, marginalized, and vulnerable people. The book argues that rethinking mobility can be the first step in a broader reimagining of how we design and live in our future cities. We must create streets that allow for social interaction and conviviality. We need reasons to get out of our cars and to use public means of transit determined by community needs rather than algorithmic control. Such decisions should be guided by the search for quality of life rather than for profit.
The library has discussion copies of the book ready for pickup now at the circulation desk. It is also available as an eBook and an eAudiobook from the Green Mountain Library Consortium.
Feel free to attend even if you have not read the book!
South Burlington Public Library Community Room (Second Floor of the Library)
Zoom link on Library website.
Mar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM
After School Book Club for Book LoversMar 4, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
CVQG - March 4 Quilt Guild Meeting & WorkshopsMar 4, 2025, 7 to 8 PM