Updates from Your South Burlington School Board

Past event
Oct 9, 2024, 6 PM

Happy Fall to our community! This week the School Board will be meeting and the following discussion topics may be of interest to you:

-An update on our Finance committee. We are still accepting applications, follow this link if you'd like to learn more: https://southburlingtonsdvt.sites.thrillshare.com/page/school-board

-Are you interested in becoming a school board member? We will be looking to fill a vacancy on the board. Please tune in for an update on that discussion and to learn more. If you'd like to learn more about the time commitment and responsibilities about being a board member please respond to this email and I would be happy to answer your questions or set up a time to discuss.

-An update about our consideration of a cell phone policy for our schools. As a reminder, our Superintendent Violet Nichols, in partnership will School Administrators, implemented new guidelines around cell phones in schools for this year designed to eliminate cell phones as a distraction in classrooms. The board is still discussing and considering what and if a policy is needed district wide. Please come to share your thoughts, concerns, or questions if you have them!

We hope to hear from you.

All my best,
Chelsea Tillinghast
South Burlington School Board Chair

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