Support Make-A-Wish with SMC Athletics!

Past event
Dec 7, 2014, 10 AM to 12 PM

The Saint Michael’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) will be offering an All-Sports Field Day for students in grades K-8. The day will focus on the sports of: Basketball, Floor Hockey, Volleyball and Soccer, as well as an Agility/Obstacle Course station and opportunity to swim!

SAAC All-Sports Field Day will be held on Sunday, December 7th from 10:00am-12:00pm, the cost is $15 per child. Saint Michael’s College varsity student-athletes will serve as instructors throughout the day!

There will also be a concession stand open during this event, offering various snacks and drinks for sale as well as $10 All-Sports Clinic T-Shirts!Make sure you bring your bathing suit & towel!

All proceeds from this event will go to support the Make-A-Wish Organization and future SAAC programming.

The schedule of the clinic will be as follows:
9:45-10:00am – Registration at the Tarrant Recreation Center (Ross Sports Complex)
10:00-10:15 – Introductions, Warm-Up and Rules
10:15-11:45 – Opportunity to participate in all the sports as well as in the pool! *Certified lifeguards will be on duty*
11:45-12:00pm - Cool Down and Wrap Up!

Registration form and more information -

For more information:
email - or
phone - (802) 654-2503

Hope to see you all there for a fun filled day to benefit Make a Wish!

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