Volunteer Park Cleanup Day: Memorial Park

Past event
Nov 9, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM

Do you enjoy Winooski's public parks and trails? Spend time with Winooski Recreation and Parks during our Volunteer Park Cleanup Days!

Meet us on Saturday, November 9 at Memorial Park (199 Elm Street Entrance)

To sign up, fill out the quick registration form: https://winooskivt.gov/FormCenter/Community-Services-8/Winooski-Park-Trail-Cleanup-Days-Volunte-100

These volunteer opportunities are perfect for anyone (individuals, outdoor enthusiasts, small groups, families, etc.) and no prior experience is necessary. Activities include plant trimming, litter pick up, debris removal, and other basic trail maintenance.

- Bring your enthusiasm and willingness to help
- We'll provide small tools (clippers, snips, gloves, resources, etc.) - feel free to bring your own
- Dress comfortably in weather-appropriate clothing and wear sturdy footwear suitable for outdoor activities
- Stay hydrated, bring a water bottle!
- Consider sunscreen and bug repellent as needed

Questions? Call or email 802 777 1621 | recreation@winooskivt.gov

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