The Great American Smokeout, Nov. 20

Past event
Nov 20, 2014

The Great American Smokeout is on Thursday, November 20, and is a great excuse to get involved with decreasing the use of tobacco in Vermont.

Each year, the American Cancer Society encourages smokers to use the third Thursday of November as the date to make a plan to quit. By quitting for one day, smokers are making the decision to take a step towards a healthier life and decreasing their cancer risk.

Of great concern to Vermont is the impact of tobacco on the state’s next generation. Tobacco advertising is more influential on teenage smoking behavior than peer pressure, but Vermonters can work to end tobacco’s influence on Vermont’s kids. In observance of the Great American Smokeout on November 20, learn about this issue and explore opportunities to make a difference on the Counter Balance website or Facebook page

Counter Balance provides Vermonters with facts, tips, downloadable information to share, as well as opportunities to help spread the word to help prevent youth tobacco use. It’s time to end tobacco’s influence on Vermont’s kids.

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