School Board Meeting Update and Community Forum Invite

Past event
Sep 25, 2024, 5 to 6:30 PM

Dear Community Members,

At our last School Board meeting on September 18th, we held the third of a three-part series aimed at reviewing data to better understand future configuration options for the WCUUSD. These meetings were organized to: 1. update and agree on criteria for creating configuration models and understand current demographics, 2. reflect on programming and capacity within the District, and 3. understand the budgetary implications of different models. Our goal is to gather the necessary information to decide which models are worth exploring further, ensuring we make an informed decision together on October 1st.

During the first meeting on August 21st, we reviewed the work of the Configuration Committee, including feedback from community sessions and an online survey. We focused on updating key priorities to guide the creation of configuration models, emphasizing student well-being, financial sustainability, and resilience to demographic changes. You can find the full list of criteria here:[...]pdf.

We also reviewed current and projected enrollment, district demographics, staffing, and how taxes pay for education—crucial information for understanding optimal configurations moving forward. The full presentation is available here:[...]pdf.

In the second meeting on September 4th, our Superintendent and leadership team presented data on the current programmatic structure, class configurations, and district transportation. The full presentation is available here:[...]pdf.

The proposed configuration options and how they align with our criteria can be found here:

At our most recent meeting on September 18th, our Superintendent presented updated enrollment numbers, information on building configurations and capacity, and a configuration criteria matrix developed in response to community and board feedback. There was a discussion about the differences between prior enrollment numbers and those presented. Superintendent Steven Dellinger-Pate explained that the new numbers are based on the latest Long-Term Weighted Average Daily Membership (LTW ADM) and updated enrollment data. He also noted that Average Daily Membership is typically counted in October.

Steven shared current FY25 and proposed FY26 elementary classroom and staffing configurations for the three-school model under consideration. He also reviewed the buildings' capacity to support additional students and programming. While most schools in the three-school model would have individual grade classrooms (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade), specific configurations will be determined by each school's administrators, considering the needs and dynamics of each community.

The configuration criteria matrix was presented to help assess how different configurations would impact student well-being, curricular opportunities, fiscal sustainability, and the communities. We will continue refining this matrix and presenting it at future meetings.

We invite you to a Community Forum on Wednesday, September 25th, from 5:00-6:30 pm at U-32 High School, where we welcome your feedback on the configuration models.

Our next School Board meeting is on Tuesday, October 1st, from 6:15-9:15 pm. You can attend in person at Calais Elementary School, 321 Lightening Ridge Rd, Plainfield, VT 05667, or join virtually via Zoom:
We continue to update our FAQ document as new questions and information become available. You can find it here:

As a community, we are committed to focusing on the good of the whole, embracing new ideas, analyzing data thoughtfully, inspiring each other and maintaining a solution oriented approach in line with our core beliefs and strategic plan. We look forward to your continued participation and input as we work together to shape the future of our district.

Your School Board

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