Plainfield Select Board Meeting - New Location

Sep 23, 2024, 6 to 8 PM

Zoom Meeting ID: 628 039 2654
Passcode: 123123
Join by phone; to mute and unmute using landline, press *6:
+1 929 205 6099

(please arrive early; time allotted is only an estimate)

Changes to Agenda - 1 minute

Announcements - 5 minutes

Public Comment - 10 minutes

East Montpelier Ambulance contract update with representative from East Montpelier Volunteer Fire Dept. - 10 minutes

Town Clerk's Report (Bram Towbin) - 20 minutes
- Receipt of FEMA funds
- Advertising for Town Treasurer position
- Discussion of Town employee medical benefits
- Update on newly hired Highway Department member

Road Commissioner's Report (Josh Pitts) - 10 minutes

Discussion of Capital Program and Budgeting Application, presentation by CVRPC (Karen Hatcher) - 20 minutes

Approve submission of applications for FEMA Buyout Program (Arion Thiboumery) - 5 minutes

Discuss and approve representative to sign FEMA Buyout Program applications on behalf of the Town - 5 minutes

Review proposed contract with Plainfield Arts for the Fiscal year 2024-25 for management services at the Plainfield Town Hall Opera House (Keith Swann) - 5 minutes

Discuss appointment of new Select Board member to fill vacant seat - 5 minute

Approve Access Permits: Pope & Valachovic - 5 minute

Response to written alleged violation of Open Meeting Law with acknowledgement of violation and statement of intent to cure - 5 minutes

Discuss and approve purchase of used pickup truck to replace existing truck - 10 minutes

Discussion of bridge art project - 5 minutes

Approval of Warrants - 5 minutes:
- Accounts Payable: August 27th and September 1st, 3rd, 6th, 17th, and 19th, 2024
- Payroll: August 28th and September 5th, 12th, and 19th 2024

Approval of draft minutes - 1 minute

Set date for next Select Board meeting - 1 minute

Executive Session pursuant 1 V.S.A. § 313 to consider an employee grievance - 15 minutes

Return from Executive Session/Decisions (if any) in public - 5 minutes

Adjourn - 1 minute

The agenda is also availableon the Select Board webpage:[...]pdf

Selectboard Rules of Procedure are available at:[...]pdf

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Event Info

Plainfield Town Hall Opera House, 18 High St. and via Zoom

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