St. George PC Meeting - Sept. 25

Sep 25, 2024, 12 AM

Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
September 25, 2024, at 6:00 P.M.
21 Barber Road. St. George, Vermont

1. 6:00pm Welcome – Additions/Deletions to the Agenda, Conflicts of Interest, and Public Comment
2. 6:05pm – Meet with Representative from St. George Community Coop – Discussion
3. 6:05pm Tech Writer Agreement – ACTION ITEM
4. 6:10pm Tech Writer Action Plan – Discussion
• Review current town plan; list "easy-quick" edits for our test run on Dec. 4
5. 7:00pm Planning Commission Member Action Plan – Discussion
6. 7:45pm Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission – Recap
7. 7:55pm Meeting Minutes Approval
8. Any Other Business
• Upcoming: Planning Commission Budget and Town Report Entry
• Next Planning Commission Meeting Date – October 23, 2024, at 6:00pm
9. Adjourn

Please visit for the official meeting agenda containing the Zoom Link and Call-in information.

The Town Planning Commission is seeking volunteers to help envision the towns future together and provide input and perspective from ALL people and communities within St. George. Town Residency is recommended, but not required, and input from people and communities outside of St. George is also encouraged.

Please contact Justin Mason with any questions or to be added to a future agenda at

Thank you, Justin Mason, Assistant to the Town Boards, etc., Town of St. George

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