Join the Adventure of Scouting at our sign-up event September 21st, from 11-2, at the Hartland Recreation Center! Activities planned for this event include...
Inflatable archery range from Running Water Recreation including:
- An archery range
- Arts and crafts
- Wilderness survival crafts
Games, and so much more!
If your son or daughter enjoys camping, hiking and having fun - then join us to learn about either:
* Age 6-10: Cub Scout Pack 235
* Age 11-17: Scouts BSA Troop 235
That's right! Scouting is for boys and girls. Come by our sign up and join the fun! Can't come to the sign-up event?
Join online at
Dec 31, 2024, 2 to 2 PM
First Read Story Time & CraftJan 1, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Reflect and Realign WorkshopJan 4, 2025, 9 to 10:30 AM