Barre City Council Meeting Agenda Sept. 24

Sep 24, 2024, 6 PM

REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, September 24, 2024 6:00pm
Meeting ID: 889 8252 5535 Passcode: 675736
One tap mobile 929-205-6099

Page Agenda Item
1. Call to Order – 6:00PM
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Visitors & Communications
4. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
i. Meeting of September 10, 2024
B. Clerk's Office Licenses & Permits
C. Authorize the Manager to execute contract(s)
D. Authorize First Amendment to LOI with DEW for Seminary Street housing project
4-a. Approve City Warrants
A. Ratify warrants from week of September 18, 2024
B. Approve warrants from Week of September 25, 2024
5. City Clerk & Treasurer Report
6. Liquor/Cannabis Control Boards
7. City Manager's Report
8. New Business
A. 2nd Reading Warned 6:10PM Ord. #2024-02: Minimum Housing Ordinance modernization (Stockwell)
B. Report form River Access Task Force clean up (Owczarski)
C. Consideration of seeking voter approval of a bond issue to fund headworks replacement at WWTF at a special city meeting in November
a. Resolution #2024-16: Necessity resolution for headworks bond
b. Approve warning for bond vote to present to voters
c. Set public information meeting on bond question for Monday, October 28, 2024
D. Move the annual city meeting (Town Meeting Day) to May 13, 2025
E. Approve $250,000 ARPA allocation to create a housing revolving loan fund/trust
F. Discuss flood resiliency plan (Waszazak/Gustin) G. Issue a charge to the JEDIB committee
9. Upcoming Business
10. Round Table
11. Executive Session – real estate
12. Adjourn

The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

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