Great Talk at OLLI on Evolution

Past event
Sep 18, 2024, 1 to 2 PM

How is it that there are giraffes and mushrooms and sunflowers and E.coli and humans? Evolution is the mechanism that explains the diversity of life on earth. it enables us to understand the history of our planed and history of us. And it helps us predict the consequences of ongoing environmental degradation.

Lamoille Valley Osher Lifelong Learning continues its Fall Series on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 1pm at the Stowe Cinema 3Plex with an illustrated talk by Dr. Elizabeth Sherman, Professor Emerita, Bennington College. An assault against evolution began in this country with the Scopes trial of 1925, immortalized by the play Inherit the Wind, to be presented in Hyde Park in December by the Lamoille County Players. The Players have donated four tickets to be given away in a drawing among attendees at Dr. Sherman's Talk!

To register for this talk or the rest of the series go online to or call 802-656-8407 during regular business hours.

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