Special Town Meeting Warning

Past event
Dec 17, 2014, 6 PM

Special Town Meeting
Town of Panton, Vermont
Wednesday December 17, 2014

The legal voters of the Town of Panton in the County of Addison, Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet in the Panton Town Office at 3176 Jersey St on 12/17/14 at 6:00 pm to vote on the following articles:

Article 1. Shall the voters authorize the Panton Select Board to borrow, through debt instruments other than bonds, not to exceed $121,012.00, to be financed over a period not to exceed fire years, for the purpose of purchasing an International Viking Truck with Plow, Wing, and Warranty, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1786a?

Article 2. Shall the voters authorize use of $20,192.00 from the FYE 2013 undesignated Fund Balance of the General Fund to offset the cost of the first finance payment of the International Viking Truck?

Dated at Panton, Vermont, this 17th day of November, 2014


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