Monday, September 9, 2024, 6:30 PM
In-person at Holley Hall and via Zoom
I. Call to Order: 6:30 P.M.
1. Review agenda for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A).
2. Overview of Zoom meeting operation and procedures: rules for participation, mute microphone, recognition by Chair, etc.
II. Public Forum. (5 min. per person)
III. Department Head Roundtable. (5 min. per person)
IV. Consent Agenda.
1. Approve minor change in the recently approved property tax rate due to a change in the grand list.
2. Approve authorization to apply to the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation for a 50/50 grant of up to $20,000 for renovations to Holley Hall.
3. Approve and sign the "Municipal Letter of Attestation" for the Downtown Vibrancy Fund grant.
4. Approve the annual Harvest Festival plan on the Town Green and Stampede 2.0 5K Walk-a-thon for Saturday, September 28, 2024.
5. Approve access permit application #2024-03DA for T&M Bouvier, LLC at 68 Pine Street per the DPW Foreman's recommendations.
V. Regular Business.
1. Meet with Lincoln Town officials regarding Briggs Hill Road closure coordination(s). (+/- 20 min.)
2. Revie and discussion of the Bristol Hazard Mitigation Plan draft update: Stephanie Magnan, SEAM Solutions. (+/- 30 min.)
3. Water Commission: Consider connection application for the Thomas Planned Unit Development Subdivision off of North Street and Pine Street. (+/- 20 min.)
4. Water Commission: Continued consideration of adopting an updated water rate structure and other amendments to Bristol Water Use Ordinance Appendix B – Schedule of Rates and Charges. (+/- 20 min.)
5. Review of meeting minutes. (+/- 5 min.)
6. Authorize accounts payable warrant and any liquor or tobacco licenses. (+/- 5 min.)
7. Selectboard roundtable. (+/- 10 min.)
8. Town Administrator's report. (+/- 5 min.)
VI. Other Business.
1. Correspondence, reports, correspondence received. (+/- 5 min.)
VII. Adjourn.
Next regular Selectboard meetings:
• Monday, September 23, 2024 ** NOTE: three weeks between meetings **
• Monday, October 14, 2024
REMOTE MEETING: This will be a hybrid in-person meeting as well as conducted through the Zoom remote meeting on-line platform. See the connection information below. If you intend to join the Zoom meeting and have never used Zoom before, we recommend you begin the log-in process well in advance of the meeting to allow time for downloads and connections to occur.
PHYSICAL LOCATION: Holley Hall. People attending in person are welcome to wear a mask for their and others' protection.
CALL-IN: People without a computer or other device can call in from the number below and enter the meeting ID from the phone keypad.
TO JOIN THE ZOOM MEETING Beginning at 7:00pm:
Meeting ID: 879 1281 0018
Passcode: 619003
Join meeting by phone: 1 (646) 558-8656
Minutes of meetings and some digital agenda materials can be found at:
Videos of meetings can be found at:
Questions? Contact me at (802) 453-2410 or
--Valerie Capels
Town Administrator
Feb 3, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
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