Peacham Library will join hundreds of libraries throughout the country on November 15, 2014, for the seventh annual celebration of gaming in libraries – International Games Day @ Your Library. Events begin with family game time from 4 - 6pm. Games for adults will run from 7 to 9pm. Pizza will be provided from 6-7pm for all participants.
The library has received donated games from Ravensburger ( Bugs in the Kitchen and Enchanted Forest), Steve Jackson Games ( Revolution!, Munchkins, Munchkins Legends, and Castella) and Looney Labs ( Oz FLuxx and Pink Hijinks). In addition to these games, we will have old standards including Scrabble, Chess, cards, and Dominion. As always, we encourage games to bring their own game(s) to share.
Contact the library at 592-3216 or if you have any questions.