October 5th at 10:00 am is the first annual Town Budget & Business Kick Off Meeting at the MMU High School Library.
Visit with neighbors, enjoy some baked goods, take advantage of free childcare, and discuss the business of the Town. This is an opportunity to share your ideas & concerns with the Selectboard BEFORE they build the Town Budget. Let them know WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE REFLECTED IN YOUR TOWN BUDGET. This is also an opportunity to discuss ideas and initiatives with your neighbors and learn about how to develop them into public questions and get them on the Ballot.
In March of 2024 the voters present at Town Meeting voted to move the budget and public questions to Australian Ballot so that all eligible voters could have their voices heard (rather than just those present for a voice-vote). HOWEVER, we heard three main concerns about making the switch:
1. You want to retain the opportunity to come together in community around the business of the Town
2. You want an opportunity to influence the process of DEVELOPING the budget, not just reacting to what the Selectboard has created
3. You want to retain the opportunity to review and amend the Town Budget
A Task Force was assembled by the Selectboard to reimagine Jericho's Town Meeting process to address these concerns as we transition to Australian Ballot. You can find out more about the work of the Task Force at JerichoVT.org/Jericho-Town-Meeting-2-0
The Town Budget & Business Kick Off Meeting on October 5th is a direct response to concerns 1 & 2, above. The discussion and input generated by the public at this meeting will be used by the Selectboard as they develop the Budget and Public Questions. A second meeting in January will be held to inform the public of the resulting Budget and ballot measures and allow for review and feedback (concern 3 above). Finally, for the first time, all registered voters will have an opportunity to vote on the budget and public questions at the ballot box in March.
Note, if you're interested in running for elected office, want to advocate for an initiative, and/or need to collect signatures, this October 5th Meeting is a great opportunity to do just that!
Feb 5, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM
Sex + Racism in America: How to Love Each Other BetterFeb 8, 2025, 5 to 8 PM
Band NightFeb 8, 2025, 7 to 10 PM