New cell phone tower in Rochester?
On Tuesday Sept 3 at 6:30 is a Rochester Planning Commission meeting that has an agenda item that says this:
"Project information meeting with representative from Vertex Towers re proposed cell tower project at 1030 Route 100 South on property of Julia and Charles Martin"
I have heard nothing else from the town about this issue, but will attend this meeting to try to find out more. This meeting is also available through Zoom (see below for Zoom info)
Rochester is one of a few Vermont towns that passed a "Right to Know" petition at Town Meeting in 2021. Residents are to be notified if a telecom has proposed a project for any radiation source in Rochester. I don't know if the Town has already been notified of this intention or not, but apparently the initial plan to do this was posted by Vertex/Verizon on June 12, and I am not aware of any notification sent to residents.
Anyone interested should also attend this meeting, so we can find out what's going on. This tower is proposed to be 176 ft in height and put on a hill, and it will directly affect at least all those living South of town, for better or worse. It is also very close to a farm where I believe there are cattle.
Thank you,
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