Has it been ONE. OF. THOSE. DAYS? (weeks? months? years?) You've eaten your way through: an entire sleeve of cookies, a whole (sharing-size) bag of chips, and what's left of the birthday cake in the fridge.
You're still craving SOMETHING … and NOTHING in the house appeals to you. And you eat something anyway. Probably a lot of something. And then you feel worse. So you might eat a little more something. And feel even worse.
Oh yes, you know it: your emotions are affecting your eating habits and choices.
What's your approach been up until now? Have you tried beating, conquering, controlling, managing, tackling your emotional eating in the face of a relentless news cycle ... or some other stressor?
And how's that working out for you? Let's get together on Zoom and discuss! Choose from 2 dates remaining: Th 9/5 @ 9–9:45am or Sa 9/14 10–10:45am
Feb 22, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
Chess Club at Richmond Free LibraryFeb 22, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Seated Tai Chi for Health & BalanceFeb 26, 2025, 10 to 11 AM