The Cabot Community Contra Dance will be re-starting on September 13, with dances on every 2nd Friday through June, at the Willey Building, 3084 Main St in Cabot! We are moving the start time a bit earlier to better accommodate families with kids, as well as anyone else who fades early, and the dances will now be 7:00-9:30.
The dances will feature live music by our amazing house band of talented musicians (you can just come and listen if you like!), and everything you need to know will be taught by a variety of Vermont callers! Here's the line-up for the year, so you can mark your calendar now:
September 13 Robin Russell
October 11 Don Stratton
November 8 Luke Donforth
December 13 Lausanne Allen
January 10 Luke Donforth
February 14 Erin Smith
March 14 Karen Mueller-Harder
April 11 Lausanne Allen
May 9 Don Stratton
June 13 Erin Smith
We will also be scheduling a few family dances on weekend afternoons, featuring dances especially well-suited to the youngest members of the community. Dates will be announced in the Cabot Chronicle and on FPF.
Everyone is welcome, and anyone can dance with anyone, generally changing partners with each dance. You can come to the dance alone, with a friend or sweetheart, or your whole family! All dances are taught, but if you've never been to a dance, you are encouraged to arrive right at 7:00, as we will start with the simplest dances, and then we'll build upon what you learn throughout the evening. No special footwork is needed, and the dances are easy to pick up, and are taught by the caller for the evening. (If you've ever done a square dance, that's very similar, except in contra dances, you stand across from your partner, in a longways group.)
Admission is on a sliding scale, $5-10, but nobody is turned away for lack of funds! Bring your water bottle, or water and cups will be provided. Masks are welcomed but not required, and we'll continue to open the lovely large windows in the hall for good ventilation!
Hope to see you at the dance!
Mar 4, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
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