Can I Swim Here?

Sep 26, 2024, 5 to 6 PM

Part of a free series of walking tours to learn about the history of Montpelier's built environment and its relationship to the Winooski River.

Is the Winooski River healthy? Can we swim in it? Is it okay to catch and eat the fish? There are many different ways to look at the health of rivers, and all of them are complicated by the way we have built the City around the rivers, constantly altering their course across (and under!) the landscape. We'll touch on Montpelier's place in the Winooski watershed, what happens when it rains in the city, what homeowners can do to help, and what it all means for our relationship with and enjoyment of our local river resources.

Hosted by: Michele Braun, Executive Director, Friends of the Winooski River

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Guertin Park (the grass lot on Main Street between Shaw’s and The Drawing Board)

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