Special Selectboard Meeting Friday

Past event
Aug 23, 2024, 3 PM

American elections laws are complicated! But the Town team is doing our very best to make November's election as simple and accessible as possible.

Clerk Vachon found an opportunity to get Shelburne's wastewater bond vote onto the same ballot as the national election. But we have to submit the voting language to Montpelier by 5pm on Friday the 23rd. So, the Selectboard will have a brief special meeting at 3pm, solely on this matter. If we can do this, voting in November will be simpler for the public, less stressful for poll workers, and less costly for taxpayers.

The alternative would be a more expensive and awkward matter of separate ballots: one envelope for president and governor, a different one for wastewater.

The wording of the bond vote and the substance of the project hasn't changed: the Selectboard is only taking this procedural vote a few days earlier.

I'm sorry for the rushed special meeting, but I appreciate our team's willingness to do some Friday afternoon work, in order to make November's Election Day better!

Zoom for the meeting, 3pm Friday the 23rd: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7564380144?pwd=UmlNUVZGNCtWUEFDMHlMSTFnL21yQT09&omn=85945664955

All agendas and details are at: https://www.shelburnevt.org/AgendaCenter

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