When: Thursday, November 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Where: The Health Center, 157 Towne Avenue, Plainfield, 454-8336
There have been many technological advances in diabetes for people who use insulin. We are happy to invite you to a special presentation about Insulin Pumps. Many people with diabetes find Insulin Pumps greatly improve their quality of life.
The discussion will include:
- Basic information about Insulin Pumps
- Insurance coverage for pumps.
- How pumps can help improve blood sugar control.
Andy Mager from Medtronic, the makers of an insulin pump will be presenting. Janice Waterman, RD/CDE, Lauri Snetsinger, RN and several patients already using an insulin pump will be on hand for the discussion.
We hope to see you there on Thursday, November 13 at 5:30 p.m. at The Health Center.