Town of Monkton Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Hearing

Past event
Aug 27, 2024, 6:30 PM

Town of Monkton
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Hearing

The Town of Monkton is updating its All-Hazards Mitigation Plan and invites comments at a public Select Board meeting on Tuesday, August 27 at 6:30pm.

The town contracted with the Addison County Regional Planning Commission to complete the Hazards Mitigation Plan update in 2023 and town officials and citizens met to conduct a hazards inventory and risk assessment matrix, identify locations where hazards are known to the community, and identify potential mitigation projects associated with the hazards identified.

The hazard-planning committee identified the following hazards as Monkton's highest vulnerabilities:
• Severe Ice Storm
• Severe Heat
• Invasive Species
• Highway Accidents
• Structure Fire
• Severe Snow Storm
• Severe Cold
• High Winds
• Infectious Disease Outbreak
• Flash Flooding & Fluvial Erosion

For each high-vulnerability hazard type, the committee described previous occurrences and extent, current vulnerability, future probability, and identified mitigation goals. The committee also developed a prioritized list of future mitigation actions and projects, with care taken to include only those projects which could be considered reasonable and feasible.

Once approved by the Select Board, the Hazard Mitigation Plan will be submitted to VEM and FEMA for revisions and approval. Submission of the Plan for approval increases Monkton's percentage of State post-disaster public assistance funding from the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund.

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