Selectboard Meeting Aug. 20

Past event
Aug 20, 2024, 6:30 to 8 PM

AGENDA (Times are approximate)
6:30 PM Call to order, public comment, review agenda for approval

6:40 PM Updates & Reports:
- Treasurer update
- Highway update
- Town Administrator update

6:55 PM Current Business & Authorizations:
- Reauthorize treasurer/bookkeeper/town administrator to pay certain payroll items on dates needed, even if such date is prior to normal Selectboard authorization
- Review and approve right-of-way work permit for Class 4 improvements on Green Road North
- Review traffic control plan and authorize use of Willard's Woods for Lincoln Sports fun run
- Review and approve town office phone system upgrades
- Review and approve new location for Conservation Commission mini library
- Review transfer station platform repair quotes
- Review and possibly approve Willard's Woods brush hogging quote
- Review and approve accounts payable and payroll warrants
- Review and approve previous meeting minutes

7:40 PM New Business:
- Other business, concerns, ideas, etc.

7:45 PM Appointments & Employment:
- Executive session regarding the appointment, employment, or evaluation of a public officer or employee. 1
V.S.A. § 313(a)(3)

8:00 PM Adjourn

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Lincoln Town Office, 62 Quaker Street, Lincoln, VT

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