Hello Neighbors,
Before the information regarding the next City Council meeting I would like to strongly recommend that if you can make the time please view the last Public Safety committee in order to fully understand the challenges our BPD recruitment team faces. Additional conversation about this will be coming soon. Here is the link: https://burlingtonvt.portal.civicclerk.com/event/7348/media.
Monday's City Council meeting starts at 5:15 PM (there will be an anticipated executive session), with Public Forum starting at 6:00 PM. You can join and sign up to speak in person at City Hall's Contois Auditorium, or can join virtually: https://zoom.us/j/93996182599 Or Telephone: +1 305 224 1968 (US Webinar ID: 939 9618 2599) and sign up to speak here: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/citycouncil/publicforum. View the full agenda here: https://burlingtonvt.portal.civicclerk.com/event/7007/files/agenda/11531
PLEASE NOTE: Because the elevator is still inoperable the Bushor Conference Room, Ground Floor, is available for ADA Accessibility.
Here are some highlights from Monday's agenda:
7.1. Resolution: In Remembrance of William "Bill" J. Keogh Sr.
This resolution honors William (Bill) Keogh, who has passed at the age of 93 years. Bill, a
lifelong Burlingtonian, served the city for more than 60 years in various capacities including as Superintendent of the Parks Department, member and Chair of this City Council, member of the City's Board of Finance, member and Chair of our Airport Commission, and the Vermont House of Representatives.
7.3. Resolution: November 5, 2024 Special City Meeting--Issuance Of Revenue
Bonds--For Burlington Electric Department--Net Zero Energy And Grid
Reliability Projects
This resolution calls for a ballot question on issuance of revenue bonds for BED, in furtherance of Net Zero goals. This question will ask for up to $20M, which is expected to go towards improvements and updates that will contribute to climate goals.
7.4. Resolution: Requesting Vermont's Congressional Delegation Request The
Secretary Of The United States Air Force Replace The Current F-35 Mission
WIth One That Causes No Harmful Noise To The People Living Around The
Airport, And One That Is Fully Compatible With Residential Neighborhoods
Progressive Council Caucus Chair Gene Bergman will be introducing a resolution urging our congressional delegation to ask the Air Force to replace the F-35s with a new mission that is compatible with our neighborhoods, causes no harmful noise, and avoids adverse economic impacts.
The F-35s have had a severe impact on our community. Over 6,663 people in Winooski, South Burlington, Williston, Burlington, and Colchester are exposed to noise levels of 65 decibels or more due to these jets. The science is clear, those levels are harmful and unsuitable for residential areas. Alternative missions such as military transport aircraft could meet our needs without causing such extreme noise impacts. A mission like that would preserve vital fire-fighting services, potentially increase local jobs, and allow for the rebuilding of affordable housing lost to noise pollution.
7.6. Champlain Parkway Project Final Construction Contract - Award Authorization - DPW (30 mins.)
The Burlington Department of Public Works (DPW) is requesting the Board of Finance and City
Council provides authorization to execute the Champlain Parkway Project Final Construction Contract with Engineers Construction Inc. (ECI), in an amount up to $14,396,012.50 with an additional $1,439,601.25 (10%) in contingency funds, totaling up to $15,835,613.75, of which non-participating (City) expenses for the final contract are approximately $1,055,450.00.
7.7. Resolution: Changes to City Charter Articles 62,63,and 65 Regarding Police
Oversight Short Form Ballot Question
This resolution proposes a short form ballot question regarding police oversight. This vote is a continuation of the Progressive effort and actions to bring the City's charter into alignment with the best practices of 21st century policing.
7.10. Mayor's Memorandum on Encampments
Mayor Mulvaney-Stanak will be providing an update on encampments in the city, including an update from Sarah Russell on the city's response to unsheltered homelessness, including where and how resources are being utilized.
7.11. Mayor's Update on Community Safety
Mayor Mulvaney-Stanak will be providing an update to the council on community safety, including the hiring of a Senior Advisor on Community Safety. This update will include upcoming work, such as public safety forums, collaborating with stakeholders, and addressing root causes.
- Melo, Gene, Joe, Carter, Marek
Jan 25, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Meet Jen Monroe Zakaras, Candidate for City CouncilJan 26, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Winter French ClassesJan 27, 2025