Rutland - Bennington District Republican and Independent Voters Only:
There will be a two part meeting on Monday, August 12 at 7:00 pm at the West Pawlet Fire House on Route 153 in the center of West Pawlet Village.
1. 7:00 - 7:20 PM - Nomination of Candidates for Board of Civil Authority, Pawlet GOP residents only.
-Meeting to Nominate Candidates for Justice of the Peace. Nominations will be open from the floor.
-Pawlet Republicans presently serving on the Board of Justices are Beth Duquette, Ray Duquette and Leon Cory. Pawlet Board of Civil Authority is made up of 7 justices.
-Present board members are: Leon Corey, Beth Duquette, Raymond Duquette, Susan LaPorte, John Malcolm, Bradley Myerson, Carol Schoenwetter
2. 7:30 PM - Open to Rutland-Bennington District Republicans and Independents.
A. Interactive Forum:
- Constable Dave Ricard will report on public interest topics including an update on Slate Ridge.
- Selectman Bob Jones will give an overview of Pawlet Town Government.
- Pawlet Justices Beth Duquette, Ray Duquette - What we do and why Justices are important to their towns.
- Rutland County Senator Terry Williams, a view of the State of the State - critical bills that passed or failed.
B. Meet District GOP Candidates:
-Ron LaCoste, Wells and Chris Pritchard, Pawlet are running for State Representative in the primary on Tuesday, August 13.
-Each candidate will give a brief overview of who they are, why they are running, and their legislative goals.
(They will draw straws as to who goes first.)
-This informational meeting is open to Republican and Independent voters only in Rutland-Bennington District.
For further information, email or call (802) 645-0109.
Dolores Luebke, Chairman
Pawlet GOP Committee