Aug. 7 Selectboard Agenda

Past event
Aug 7, 2024, 6 PM

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1. Meeting Call to Order 6:00PM
2. Agenda Additions or Deletions
3. Public Comment
4. Selectboard Forum
5. Approve Minutes of 7/17
6. Public Hearing for Windy Ridge Vermont Community Development Program Funding
7. Consider Approval of Hinesburg Town Forest Management Plan
8. Consider Approval of Town Common Funding
9. Consider Approval of FY25 Water and Wastewater Budgets
10. Consider Approval of FY25 Water and Wastewater Rates
11. Consider Approval of Water and Wastewater Allocation Renewals
12. Consider Approval of New Water and Wastewater Allocation Requests
a. Ship Seven, Triple L residences
b. Windy Ridge
13. Town Manager Report
14. Approve Warrants and Payroll
15. Possible Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(2) and 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(A)
16. Adjourn

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