Have you got questions, concerns, or ideas about Vermont politics? Then why not come down to 118 Elliot Street in Brattleboro this Sunday August 11th for a meet and greet with Progressive and Progressive-endorsed candidates? Progressive Lt. Governor David Zuckerman, gubernatorial candidate Esther Charlestin (D/P), and our own incumbent state rep Mike Mrowicki (D/P) will speak and take questions. This event starts at 10:30AM, lasting until approximately 12:30PM. Light refreshments will be provided.
On a related note, the Progressive Party chapter of Putney met this week to endorse Mike Mrowicki as a fusion candidate. Please consider taking a Progressive ballot in Dummerston or Putney during this month's state primary to write in his name as your choice for the Progressive nominee for the Windham-4 seat. Mike's a strong voice in Montpelier for progressive values.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact agavespoon3@gmail.com or yva@progressiveparty.org.
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