In an effort to offer as much assistance as possible during this difficult time of dealing with multiple floods, American Legion Post #30 in Lyndonville is sponsoring a Community Flood Relief BBQ at their Post Home at 4854 Memorial Drive, Lyndonville on Saturday, August 10 from noon to 4 PM.
The Northeast Kingdom has been hit especially hard with two back-to-back floods in the month of July. The Legion Family of Post 30 invite ANY veteran, the community, any Legionnaire, any Sons of The American Legion, any Auxiliary members, and any Legion Riders to come and partake in a meal provided by us.
We will have application info for members of our community to apply for emergency flood funding through the Vermont 211 Program.
The Post will have Emergency Funding applications available from the National Organization for Legion Family members ONLY. Legion Family members can qualify for up to $3,000 in emergency funding.
Please join us for hot dogs, burgers, salads and support. We are a strong community, but only when we are ALL together. Free to all, come meet the Vets in your hometown!
All Posts in the 2nd District are invited to attend, along with all community members of the flood-ravaged area.
I also encourage others to "steal" this post for publication in neighboring Forums in the flood-ravaged area.