Holiday Gift Sale at Community Center in Jericho

Past event
Nov 14, 5 PM to 5 PM, Nov 15, 2014

Next Friday you'll notice a scattering of snowflakes & sculptures at the Community Center, which means it's time to stop in for our Jericho Artisan Market! Come see a showcase of incredible talents in a variety of mediums. This market has something for everyone, from delicious food to fine art.

Reception is Friday Nov 14th, 5- 8 pm with live music to entertain you while you shop, and appetizers and tastings to whet your appetite. Artwork by local crafter and centenarian Clara Manor is being featured as well.

Saturday Nov 15th 10 - 5 pm: Great shopping throughout the day, plus the return of the Jericho Town library soup cafe!

The main show is Saturday November 15th, 10 am-5 pm. Admission is free both days. Set your GPS to: 329 Browns Trace Road, Jericho VT

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